Betrayal or Truth?

Posted: July 19, 2013 in My Life

Here’s a question for you:  Say you’ve had a friend for over ten years and you trust him with your life.  In ten years, this man has been there for me through thick and thin, helping me get through DT’s, getting me a supply when I’m low and my connects are dry, and even visiting me in the psych ward when no one else wanted anything to do with me.  Ive fronted him hundreds of dollars in goods, currency, and work.  I’ve bent over backward for this guy, paying the doctor’s bill for his sick girlfriend, getting his medication for him when he’s sick, sacrificing my medication because he runs out too early, hell, I even shipped him a month supply when he was out of town.  After 10 years, there have been some bumps on the road of course; I’ve lost money, he’s lost money; I’ve gotten robbed, he’s gotten robbed, but it was all substantiated… until now.


And now this.  I was told he’d help me out, he said he’d make it better… I trusted him.  He last left my house with one-twenty, promising he’d be back in an hour with my product… but he never showed.  No answer on the phone the next morning, I couldn’t even leave a voice mail because it was deactivated.  Finally after an hour of waiting he messages me and tells me he was robbed.  To trust or not to trust, that is the question.  The addict in me says to find him and demand an explanation, but the human in me says to have faith, trust, and believe.  I’m leaning towards the addict route right now unfortunately.

  1. Consider it a loss. $120 for ten years of friendship. You got him out of your life cheap.

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